
raw image to vdi image #

vboxmanage convertdd src.img dest.vdi

Virtualbox on Windows #

Hyper-V blocks AVX and AVX2

Normally Hyper-V blocks Virtualbox. Hyper-V is a type-1 hypervisor, which accesses the hardware first before any OS runs, and therefore interferes with other programs that need “virtualization technology”, like Virtualbox, which is a type-2 Hypervisor.

To turn Hyper-V off completely #

  1. Shut down all programs. You will have to shut down, unplug, and restart your host.

  2. Look into I have a 64bit host, but can’t install 64bit guests, 2nd post, points 2 & 3 and ensure that none of these things are running: DeviceGuard CredentialGuard Windows Defender’s Core Isolation

  3. Find the Command Prompt icon, right click it and choose Run As Administrator.

  4. Enter this command:

bcdedit /set hypervisorlaunchtype off

Some report this command was needed also:

DISM /Online /Disable-Feature:Microsoft-Hyper-V

  1. Enter this command:

shutdown -s -t 2

  1. When the computer turns off, unplug it for 20 seconds. Then plug it in again and boot up Windows 10.

About reboot:

Note that “bcdedit” is short for “boot configuration data edit”, i.e. it affects what software will be loaded on the next OS boot, so it is essential that you perform a full boot from a complete power down (not a suspend and restart) in order for the changes to take effect. Leave the PC powered down for 10 seconds before starting it again. If your PC does not offer a full shutdown from the start menu you could try running “shutdown /p” from an admin command prompt. On a laptop you may have to remove the battery.