Configuration example #
strict = true
master = true
enable-threads = true
vacuum = true ; Delete sockets during shutdown
single-interpreter = true
die-on-term = true ; Shutdown when receiving SIGTERM (default is respawn)
need-app = true
; logging
disable-logging = true
log-4xx = true
log-5xx = true
log-slow = true
; worker recycling
max-requests = 1000 ; restart workers after this many requests
max-worker-lifetime = 3600 ; seconds, restart workers after this many seconds
reload-on-rss = 2048 ; MB, restart workers after this much resident memory
worker-reload-mercy = 60 ; seconds, how long to wait before forcefully killing workers
; dynamic worker scaling (busyness)
cheaper-algo = busyness
processes = 500 ; Maximum number of workers allowed
cheaper = 8 ; Minimum number of workers allowed
cheaper-initial = 16 ; Workers created at startup
cheaper-overload = 1 ; Length of a cycle in seconds
cheaper-step = 16 ; How many workers to spawn at a time
cheaper-busyness-multiplier = 30 ; How many cycles to wait before killing workers
cheaper-busyness-min = 20 ; Below this threshold, kill workers (if stable for multiplier cycles)
cheaper-busyness-max = 70 ; Above this threshold, spawn new workers
cheaper-busyness-backlog-alert = 16 ; Spawn emergency workers if more than this many requests are waiting in the queue
cheaper-busyness-backlog-step = 2 ; How many emergegency workers to create if there are too many requests in the queue
harakiri = 60 ; Forcefully kill workers after 60 seconds
py-call-osafterfork = true
auto-procname = true
procname-prefix-spaced = myapp
; autoreload in development, when this file is touched
touch-reload = /etc/myapp.ini
Explanation #
Basic #
- strict mode
tells uWSGI to fail to start if any parameter in the configuration file isn’t explicitly understood by uWSGI.
- master
The master uWSGI process is necessary to gracefully re-spawn and pre-fork workers, consolidate logs, and manage many other features (shared memory, cron jobs, worker timeouts…). Without this feature on, uWSGI is a mere shadow of its true self.
- enable-threads
By default the Python plugin does not initialize the GIL. This means your app-generated threads will not run.
- vacuum
This option will instruct uWSGI to clean up any temporary files or UNIX sockets it created, such as HTTP sockets, pidfiles, or admin FIFOs.
- single-interpreter
By default, uWSGI starts in multiple interpreter mode, which allows multiple services to be hosted in each worker process.
- die-on-term
it makes uWSGI behave in the way that any sane developer would expect.
- need-app
This parameter prevents uWSGI from starting if it is unable to find or load your application module.
Logging #
By default, uWSGI has rather verbose logging. It is reasonable to disable uWSGI’s standard logging, especially if your application emits concise and meaningful logs.
- hard timeouts: harakiri
SIGKILL workers after a specified number of seconds
- request log format
Default request logging format:
log-format = [pid: %(pid)|app: -|req: -/-] %(addr) (%(user)) {%(vars) vars in %(pktsize) bytes} [%(ctime)] %(method) %(uri) => generated %(rsize) bytes in %(msecs) msecs (%(proto) %(status)) %(headers) headers in %(hsize) bytes (%(switches) switches on core %(core))
references #